Student Associate Job Description

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Company Information

Primary Supervisor Information
Directly supervises student associate(s) on a regular basis.

Alternate Supervisor Information
Provides support when primary supervisor is unavailable and may occasionally provide or manage projects with student associates(s).

Hidden Fields

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Number of Student Workers & Day(s) Requested
PLEASE NOTE: A company should submit multiple job descriptions if different student associates will be assigned to different anticipated tasks/ responsibilities and/or departments/function areas.

What day(s) does this specific job description need to be covered, and, ideally, by how many students each day?

Job Description

A single student may work in multiple departments/function areas. However, if different students on a team will report to different departments/function areas, please submit different job descriptions to ensure that each student is successfully matched to the set of tasks and responsibilities being requested.

Anticipated Tasks and Responsibilities

Required Skills
What level of proficiency is required in the following skills for the student to successfully perform this work?
Not a Required Skill Beginner Proficiency Intermediate Proficiency Advanced Proficiency
Job and Workplace Attributes
This job will involve:
Yes No

Further Feedback and Information

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Procedural Requirements

Remote Work
This section is applicable only for placements that will be performed virtually on a full-time basis, or as designated by company/supervisor(s).

It is assumed that all of these devices are equipped with built-in keyboard, trackpad, and camera.

Select multiple choices by holding CTRL.

Examples include chat or project management tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Trello, etc.
Additional Implementation Considerations
Dress Code Modifications

Students typically report to work in standard student dress code. If you require any modifications to student attire, please indicate them here. (E.g., student worker should not wear coat and tie; all personnel required to wear safety shoes.)

Are there any additional implementation considerations to support this placement?

If there are hard start and stop times, or other such considerations, please indicate them here. (E.g., no one is in your office before 8:30am or after 5:30pm.)

If different students on a team will report to different departments/function areas, please submit different job descriptions to ensure that each student is successfully matched to the set of tasks and responsibilities being requested.